NIMHR – Sehore is registered under the MP Societies Registration Act, 1973 vide Registration no. 01/02/01/35371/19 dated 28 May 2019.
Governing Council – The Institute is managed by the Governing Council chaired by Dr. Tej Bahadur Singh, Professor and Head, Centre for Psychological Sciences and Dean, School of Human Sciences, Central University of South Bihar, Gaya.
Executive Council – The Institute conducts its routine activities under the Executive Council headed by Director.
Employees of NIMHR:
- Dr. Akhilesh Kumar Shukla (Director)
- Dr. Narendra Kumar (Deputy Registrar – Officiating)
- Dr. Ankit Chaudhary (Assistant Professor (Psychiatry))
- Mr. Ashish Singhi (Account Officer)
- Mr. Abhishek Mishra (Store & Purchase Officer) & (Administrative Officer – Officiating)
- Mr. Ram Kumar Nagar Assistant Professor (CCCG)
- Ms. Meenakshi Majumdar (Lecturer – DCBR)
- Ms. Kriti Jain, Lecturer (Clinical Psychology)
- Ms. Karnpriya Tiwari (Psychiatric Social Worker)
- Mr. Anil Kumar Rawal, (Consultant – Administration and Accounts)
- Mr. Ravi Shankar Yadav, Lecturer (DVR-ID)
- Mr. Umashankar Saini (Assistant Librarian)
- Mr. Pavan Kumar Tiwari (Administrative Assistant)
- Mr. Keshav Souner (Accountant)
- Ms. Aastha Saxena (Personal Assistant)
- Ms. Pooja Manoriya (Clinical Assistant)
- Mr. Jagdamma Prasad Diwakar (Rehabilitation Officer)
- Ms. Sadhna Bajpai (Demonstrator CCCG)
- Mr. Anoop Kumar Vaishnav (Workshop Supervisor – DVR ID)
Office Timings: 0900 Hrs. to 1730 Hrs